[SOLVED] Template Ultimate, some pages have canonical in header, others do not?

Hi, I am using Ultimate 1.3.18 on Joomla 5.

On some pages of the website buildingworks.co.nz there is a canonical tag in the header, but in other pages there is none.

For example:
- buildingworks.co.nz   has canonical correctly set  
- buildingworks.co.nz/contact-us has canonical correctly set
buildingworks.co.nz/residential/renovations-extensions DOES NOT HAVE ANY CANONICAL
buildingworks.co.nz/residential/bathrooms-kitchens   DOES NOT HAVE ANY CANONICAL
buildingworks.co.nz/landscape-building   DOES NOT HAVE ANY CANONICAL

Why do some pages have canonical set, but others do not?

The topic has been locked.
Please read how to set canonical tags in Joomla. This is not a topic for our support. 

Kind regards,
Joomlaplates Admin
Joomla-Master in forum.joomla.de/
The topic has been locked.
Thank you for your reply, however I disagree.

Joomla 5 has core functionality for canonical, you can set via Plugin "System - SEF" where you set base URL.

Using your template, this works for the Home page, but not for inside pages which use Articles.

Using templates by another provider (Eg Rockettheme) all pages (including article pages) have correct canonical URL with ONLY using "System - SEF" plugin.

Your template should work for pages which use articles as the content, inserting correct canoncial URL.



The topic has been locked.
There are considerations about this, which you can read about here:

We cannot tell you more at the moment, as this is about possible further developments.

SEO specialists clearly state that the canonical tag should only be in the head of the landing page
Astroid Framework adheres to this requirement. 
Sorry, but if you do not agree with this, you will have to look for a suitable plugin that meets your requirements.
Kind regards,
Joomlaplates Admin
Joomla-Master in forum.joomla.de/
Last Edit:2 months 2 weeks ago by WM-Loose
Last edit: 2 months 2 weeks ago by WM-Loose.
The topic has been locked.
In my experience, canonical is required on every page for SEO reasons.

I have implemented Custom Canonical CK Pro  www.joomlack.fr/en/download-joomla-exten...egory&category_id=76 which will automatically handle canonical tag for all pages automatically, and is compatible with Joomla5.

The topic has been locked.
Unfortunately, you are wrong and you should look into it again. 

I would like to end the topic here, as we have said everything. 
Ultimately, it is your decision and we cannot judge what the extension you mentioned can do or might change. 

The topic will then be closed.
Kind regards,
Joomlaplates Admin
Joomla-Master in forum.joomla.de/
Last Edit:2 months 2 weeks ago by WM-Loose
Last edit: 2 months 2 weeks ago by WM-Loose.
The topic has been locked.


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